Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Watermarking Photos

I recently found a site online, where I could get tutorials on how to use the different aspects of Paint Shop Pro X. Many of you probably use Adobe Photoshop, but I believe the commands I'll be listing would work in either program. In both programs there is an option to 'Embed Watermark', and if you use it, wonderful! This is just a 'long-hand' way of watermarking your photos. Putting a watermark on your pictures (especially those for the web) is one way to protect them. You can also print your copyright on them. It is all up to you :0)
So....here is the lesson!

1. After opening the photo(s) you want to mark, open a 'new' page in the program. The one in the photos below is 300 by 300 pixels. The background needs to be white, and you can then type in your name, studio, copyright, etc. Once that is done, crop if needed so that the wording takes up most of the page's space. Save your watermark, and open it again, then 'copy' and 'paste as new layer' onto your photo.

Figure 1

2. Next, place it in a prominent place on the photo. Then, with this layer(watermark) selected, go to (in PSP) 'effects' and on the drop-down menu select 'textures', then 'emboss'. Your mark should then look like Figure 2.

Figure 2

3. In PSP, there is a side bar on the right where you can set the layers' lightness, there should be a similar command in Adobe . Select 'soft light', and your watermark is done! Now you just have to do this to all your photos! Have fun with different fonts (you may want to keep them simple though), and your photos are ready for the web :0)

Figure 3

Any questions? Leave a comment, or send an email to the Fringe Mailbox

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